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Solar Panel Service and Maintenance

Solar MaintenanceSolar panels and solar power generation systems generally have low maintenance requirements. However, when it comes to ensuring reliable power for your business or home, you need to be certain what is required is completed on time, by a qualified professional who knows what they’re doing and what to look for. Regular maintenance not only helps avoid a breakdown, it also helps you get the most out of your system so that you can see a return on your investment faster.

Empire Renewable Energy is a leading provider of renewable power solutions for businesses, homes, and nonprofits in the Arizona region. As part of our overall commitment to our clients, we offer comprehensive solar panel maintenance solutions from a team of expert technicians. Whether we installed your system initially or not, count on us for everything you need to keep your system running its best for the long term.

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If you currently have a photovoltaic (PV) solar power system installed on your property, Empire Renewable Energy can provide the following:

  • General solar/PV maintenance and service: For most solar systems, PV maintenance involves little more than periodic inspections to ensure everything is working as it should. As part of a general preventive PV maintenance plan, Empire Renewable Energy can schedule regular checkups that confirm your system is positioned properly and configured for maximum effectiveness at all times.
  • Inverter maintenance and service: Inverter systems are somewhat more complicated than solar panels and as a result have slightly more intensive maintenance requirements. A typical checkup will involve inspecting and testing all electrical connections, torquing terminals and bolts as necessary, testing safety equipment and more. Regular inverter maintenance by a qualified professional may also be required to keep your warranty intact.
  • Remote system monitoring: Remote PV monitoring is the best way to track productivity and identify when an issue is present. Our monitoring services let our technicians know when your system is underperforming and provide important diagnostic data that allows us to correct problems quickly and permanently.

We’ll work with you to determine a maintenance and service schedule that’s tailored to the needs of your system. We also provide emergency solar service should you experience a sudden issue – contact our team at the first sign of a problem, and we will send a technician to troubleshoot the issue.

Brands We ServiceSolar Maintenance by Empire

Empire Renewable Energy is an authorized dealer of SunPower solar panels and is fully qualified to provide service for the SunPower’s full line of products. We also service other panels by other manufacturers, inverters by SMA, Fronius, Solectria, ABB, and some other related products by some of today’s most prominent manufacturers. From roof-mounted home installations to large-scale commercial solar systems, we have the experience and expertise to ensure your renewable power solution is working its best at all times.

Ready to get started? If you’re already an Empire Renewable Energy customer, contact your sales representative for more information about our maintenance plans and PV service options. To learn more about who we are and what we can do for you, get in touch with our office today by phone or email.

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