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Commercial Solar Power Generation Systems

Energy costs are one of the biggest components of overhead for Arizona businesses, so it's no surprise that more companies are looking for ways to save on their monthly utility bills.

A commercial solar power geneartion system from Empire Renewable Energy will lower your overhead, reduce your facility's impact on the environment and improve your company's image. Plus, SunPower modules have a 40-year lifespan and superior lifetime production, which means first-rate return on your investment.


We offer a number of unique commercial solar power generation system options for small, medium and large business buildings, high energy businesses, as well as industrial and manufacturing facilities. These include both start-to-finish (turnkey) solar setups and individual services including:

  • Business modeling and needs analysis
  • Site planning and assessment
  • Custom system design and engineering
  • Procurement management and material source evaluation
  • Installation and testing
  • Regular service and emergency repairs
  • Cost analysis and savings projections
  • Help identifying and applying for rebates and other incentives
  • Financing and financial advising

Why empire Renewable Energy?

With a 70 year commitment to quality products, excellent service and superior workmanship, Empire understands the needs of commercial clients and strives to develop efficient and trustworthy business-to-business relationships. We understand the ROI and cash flow challenges that your business faces today, and we’ll work with you to find an affordable commercial solar power geaneration systems that meet your needs.

We provide in-depth consulting and detailed financial projections which give you a clear picture of how soon you’re likely to see a return on your investment, as well as handle all paperwork with the utility company and the city. We can examine your 25-year cash flow and provide an internal rate of return for your business, analyzing the total cost of installing and maintaining your solar panel system and the total savings you’ll see by switching to solar. We can also help identify available tax credits and other incentives to offset your initial investment.

Flexible Project Planning

Our solar engineers and installation teams are sensitive to the day-to-day operational needs of your business. We understand project management and can help our clients with any questions they have regarding permits and utility interconnection, space limitations and more. Our team is respectful of your time and offers flexible installation schedules that work to avoid interfering with your daily operations.

With superior products and expert advice, Empire Renewable Energy can bring savings and value to your Arizona business for years to come. Contact our office today to find out how we can manage every stage of your conversion to solar power.

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